Full range of Ice Skating products

Technical products of high quality and constant development,
to follow the desires and needs of the skaters.

Stifeld Basic blades

Sharp steel blades for first contacts with ice skating. Multiple use blades Basic turns, edge work and simple jumps Straight cut carbon blades Sizes in thirds of an inch

Äira Dance blades

Blades for figure skating of high competition modality Dance. Made of high quality aluminum alloy and extraordinary hardness “Ergal” and steel series 420 C, polished to the maximum to look like chrome

Stifeld Sogne Boots

Especialmente diseñadas para STD Skates y
Stifeld Blades. Suela de PVC rígido.
Exterior de Vinilo. Interior de microfibra.
Acolchado interior antibacteriano.

Ice Skates series

Specially designed for STD Skates and Stifeld Blades.
Rigid PVC sole. Vinyl exterior. Microfiber Interior antibacterial padding.